Earth Adventures!

Last year we picked up a wonderful book entitled Earth Adventures in the Halifax Region. There are plenty of parks and trails to visit and with the aid of the book we all learn more about the environment and the habitats of animals. There are exercises to do for each trail and a lot of fun learning to be had. At the end of each trail you have to find a small plaque and make a rubbing on the last page of the book for that trail. It is a lot of fun and each time we go we end up spending more time than the book suggests!

This time we went off to Shubie Park. We meant to leave early as the day was going to be super hot, but by 11am when we arrived we were already stopping in the shady spots and bringing out the water.

Along our trek, as we learned about racoons and their eating habits, where they like to hide and live, we found ourselves seeing these trails that we have walked along numerous times with new eyes.

Jul152013_Shubie-Adventure_01 Jul152013_Shubie-Adventure_02


Someone snacking on a mushroom?


Some of the largest plantain leaves I’ve seen! I love these plants and welcome them into our yard for their healing properties.


We came upon some huskies and I felt so bad for them in their heavy coats. One owner was combing and cooling down his big furry friend in the stream. I was tempted to get in their myself!


Can you spot the water striders? There are mosquitoes there too, believe me. 😉



We spotted a little made rock formation someone had made over this pipe. For some reason it reminded me of an inuksuk. I know, totally different. If you peek down the pipe you can see L’s hands giving the ‘I love you’ sign. I had to lean over the water and hope not to lose balance or lose the camera in the water in the process. 🙂


We have a favourite spot at the park where these three huge trees (huge for our part of Canada) stand. We found out that they are hemlocks and a favourite of raccoons as they can easily climb and make a home. Plus their trunks create holes perfect for hiding.


The squirrels like them too. By squirrels I mean the actual animals, not my boys! Although, they too love to climb!

This is L’s favourite tree, whom he calls Puffy. Something had attacked it over the years and the tree seemed to build up layers of protection.Jul152013_Shubie-Adventure_17We found many things that raccoons love to eat, from pine cones to seeds and acorns as well as this little guy. I find new snails so interesting with their soft translucent shells. The boys love them too.

Jul152013_Shubie-Adventure_18Berry season is soon upon us!

Anyone recall what this is, fir or spruce? I recall one has the flat leaves/needles with the white stripe on the underside.


I love mushrooms.
Jul152013_Shubie-Adventure_23The boys, red-faced from the heat, taking a break to snack and rehydrate while watching a curious squirrel.


This is as close as he would let me get to take a picture. Plus they are so skittery (new word?) I just didn’t have much time to work with. Yes, the boys are wearing rubber boots in preparation for one of their favourite parts of this trail.

A leaf I have never seen here before. Any ideas?Jul152013_Shubie-Adventure_27


Huge bullrushes!

Can you spot the fish?


Blue bead lily. Yet another great healer.

These damselflies (?) are amazing. In flight they look like butterflies with their big beautiful, deep blue wings. Magical.


The reason for the rubber boots!

At this point we were all tired and hot. We had a great time but were happy the trek was almost complete.


On the other side of the pipe L spotted a mink skittering over the rocks. It was too fast for me. I didn’t have time to reach for the camera so you will just have to take my word for it. 😉

I wonder what would happen if a mink met a raccoon?

Jul152013_Shubie-Adventure_48Home for fruit popsicles!

4 thoughts on “Earth Adventures!

  1. What a great hike!
    These shots make my happy.
    I can’t help with bright green sawtooth leaf but that is a damselfly. Those blue and black ones are so pretty!
    Lovin’ seeing you guys out there! So many great nature spots!
    D saw these shots and said he misses the boys! 😉

    • Thanks Dawn, we had a great time but oh boy was it hot! Yes, I love those damselflies – they are so beautiful in flight. I have to say they almost remind me of faeries…
      I saw a pamphlet on trees and bushes much like the one you sent us on the birds. I’m hoping it will help me with more identifications.
      We hope to make it to Blue Beach tomorrow. The boys are excited. Thanks for the tip!
      Tell D & F that the boys miss them too! 🙂

        • I checked the tide and it will be low while we are there so we are excited. Taking the ‘real’ camera (and my point and shoot just in case) for this trip. 🙂 I do love shooting with my DSLR and force myself to only take a couple of lenses. Also, baggies for any finds. I will certainly be blogging about this one!

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