Our oldest was beyond excited at the idea of turning twelve. He doesn’t want for much when it comes down to it and was so excited to get a new Pokémon Special Edition Pikachu card set. Even though he knew what was behind the wrapping it made him no less excited to open it. I think half the fun of birthdays is watching your children open their presents.
What’s better than one Pikachu card? One small one and one really big one, of course!
When asked what he wanted to do for his birthday he said he would like to see a couple of good friends. Since my mother was visiting we thought it a great idea to take advantage of the wonderful weather and show her another bit of our beautiful province while the boys ran around being boys. 🙂
Creature alert!
Love this view! It almost looks like a tropical paradise – if it wasn’t for the big rocks (Love them!) and those conifers!
My boys. 🙂
Rock-jumping-minecraft-terraria-real-life-make-belief-play on huge rocks!
I just love this landscape with its tide pools, low ground cover and huge boulders (reminds me of the Moors in Wuthering Heights).
Somewhere in there are two people…
In the distance you can see beautiful Peggy’s Cove!
As evening came we enjoyed cake with both grandmothers and made our traditional family photos.