Homeschool Adventure Week #2 – Part2

The boys are super-big into science and every once in a while the experiment books come out. The following experiment shows how air pressure can keep something afloat or make it sink. Very cool!Pen-Cap-Bottle


X explains what happens below:

I love the way we are learning math because we are looking at numbers in a universal way. For instance, talking about the number two led us to finding pairs in our world, such as two arms, two legs etc. But we also talked about yin and yang, what comes up must come down,  in and out, up and down, dualities.

I read a story similar to Beauty and the Beast entitled The Summer and Winter Garden by the Brothers Grimm. There is a garden as you may have already assumed where flowers grow on one side and the other side the garden is covered in snow – illustrating dualities the seasons. L drew this flower to illustrate dualities in our world and the description is below:



“When the lamp flower (in the drawing) turns on, its stocks point straight up. One of the stocks is bigger than the other one. The left lamp glows rainbow and the right lamp glows unrainbow. Yes, ‘unrainbow’ is the colours of the rainbow backwards, of course. L loves to make writing fun. Can you blame him?

Xman illustrated the number two by using caterpillars to be found in gardens. The number eight was mentioned a couple of times in the story so he used this in combination with the number two: eight caterpillars divided by two equals four. Then he made a drawing step by step how to draw a caterpillar. By the end we had to agree they looked a bit like jellyfish. 🙂



Science break! Did you know that if you fill a narrow necked bottle with hot water and red food colouring and placed it in a larger jar of cold water it makes an underwater volcano?  See the red water being sucked out of the little jar? Cool, right?VolcanoNature walk time! Onto part 3!

2 thoughts on “Homeschool Adventure Week #2 – Part2

  1. Nice to be able to relive all that we did together and catch up on all the bits that I missed while working. 🙂
    I didn’t get to see the volcano. Looks cool!

    • True, you get to hear the excitement happening on the main floor while you work away and every once in a while just have to come down to see what’s going on. Then the times together make it whole.

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