
Today began with breakfast of eggs and veggie bacon to eat while watching the third Harry Potter movie. Stephen just finished reading the book to the boys last night. They were super-excited for this morning to come.

I must say I was a little concerned with how they would react to the Dementors and part of me wanted to wait. Thus the reason for watching the movie in the morning. Much time to get possible scary images out of the head before bed.

The boys loved the movie and barely hid their eyes when the Dementors showed up. We told them that we could easily stop the movie but no, they did just fine and now can’t wait for the next book!

After the movie we began to work on an unfinished ‘project’. For about five days now we have been working off and on putting together a 750 piece puzzle. It’s only our second big puzzle we’ve done as the boys are just becoming more interested. It’s quite a lot of fun to do together and watch the boys find many pieces themselves, especially ones that just seemingly couldn’t be found.

So far our big puzzles have come from a borrowed toy cupboard or a second hand store. We’ve done two pyramid 3d puzzles as well. They have all had every piece in the box.


Until now. One missing piece. I have a suspicion it’s around here somewhere possibly blending in with our flooring!


This was a fun puzzle with its odd border shape and many fun words to find and make.

Now it’s time to mow the lawn after many days of rain. Perhaps I shall bring some freshly brewed passion iced tea outside with me…

Happy day!

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